の作品に見られるカラクリの機械的な仕組みは一見単純に見えますが、よく観察すると極めて合理的にできていることに気づかされます。しかも、可動している作品を眺めているとなぜかしら私たちの内に「忘れかけていた時や物に対する愛着心」のような気持ちが湧きあがってきます。 多様な魅力を秘め、多くの示唆を与えてくれるユニークでアイロニックなカラクリの動きをモーレンの展覧会で楽しんでいただけば幸いです。
Paul Spooner
The artist Mr.Paul Spooner was born at Preston of England in 1948.
Since he has graduated from Lancaster University, he has been engaged in the production of many works of Automata with irony and humor in our daily life from the unique and original point of view based on the philosophy of ancient Greece.
Consequently, many of his pleasing works show us deep philosophical concept.
The interesting motions of his Automata are due to his original fine and advanced technology in the mechanism.
Also his Automata show attractive motions to many people regardless of their age and gender, which surely remind us our old days and lovely goods in our daily life.
We will be grateful if you could enjoy the unique and ironic motions of his interesting and attractive works of Automata in Molen’s exhibition.

Matt Smith
The artist Mr. Matt Smith was born at Leicester of England in 1965.
After studying in Falmouth School of Art, he has started the production of Automata in 1980.
Later he has established 14 Balls Toy in cooperation with Mr. Paul Spooner. He lives in Cornwall of England.
He has wonderful technology of Automata, in which he shows an excellent mechanism.